Project Partners

Unlimited Love Sisters
Project partners
religious congregation
We are currently working with the Catholic sister order "Religious Congregation of the Apostles of Unlimited Love Sisters", whom we support both financially and professionally in the implementation of the Chabalisa project. The original idea for the center for children with disabilities in Chabalisa comes from the sisters themselves. Move-ING has been supporting the sister community since 2017 after Kathi got to know the sisters and the project during their one-year assignment. Our cooperation with the religious order has so far proven to be extremely trustworthy and reliable. The continuous communication ensures high transparency and a regular exchange about the progress of the project.
Project Initiation
In 2013 (still called “Theresienorden”), they initiated the project by building two classrooms and a house for the children. Since then, the nuns have maintained contact with families with sick children, creating a trusting relationship between them. The large number of pre-registered children who have so far had to do without any support and care testifies to the urgent need for action with regard to inclusion projects in this region of Tanzania alone.
The order was founded in 2015 from the "Theresienorden" and currently consists of 89 sisters (as of June 2020). There is a steady increase in young sisters as many young women choose to join a religious order. This represents a promising career in a country where women are still socially disadvantaged.
For us, this means that we can count on and plan with a permanent partnership, since the order and its values will exist in the long term and the cooperation is not dependent on individuals.
The sister community is solely responsible for the management of the center and the care of the children. We deliberately do not interfere with everyday operations and the organizational structure. As the operators of the educational and community center, the sisters care for and care for all children who find a second home in Chabalisa.
The nuns also take care of all regulatory requirements and the necessary ones
Authorities. They are in good contact with the government representatives, so that legal requirements are always met and the long-term operation of the center is ensured.
Their high level of commitment and independence are also evident in the fact that they organize important structural steps themselves after consultation and implement them with local craftsmen. This makes it possible for us to only implement construction projects during our project stays in Chabalisa that are based on our engineering expertise and / or that can be implemented in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly manner using imported technology.
Due to their many years of experience, the nuns are very suitable for management
of the center. Even as the sisters of the religious order of the "Theresi sisters"
they founded a small hospital, for which they are still responsible for the management and operation. As the hospital is only around 15 minutes by car from the project location, fast medical care for the children is also possible.
All sisters are well and comprehensively trained, some sisters also have additional qualifications. There are tailors, teachers, nurses and even a doctor among them. This is why they fill many important positions and perform numerous tasks internally. This is particularly important because it minimizes the running costs of hiring external staff.
Because the sisters are not allowed to have their own children because of their religious order, working with the children is very fulfilling for many of them. We were able to find this out in the months of time spent together through numerous discussions and experience it ourselves during our stays.
Ecclesial context
Despite belonging to the Catholic Church, they do not think within religious boundaries. So it says
the center is open to children of all denominations and religious communities. With Fatuma is
already a girl with Muslim faith at home with the nuns in Chabalisa.
The sister order is formally subordinate to the Roman Catholic Church, but operates independently in the local bishopric, so that the sisters are largely independent in their decisions. For example, the property on which the center is being built belongs exclusively to the sister order.
Even if the religious sisters form an independent religious community, is
the diocese of Kayanga with Bishop Almachius Vincent Rweyongeza was also an important one for us
and valuable project partner with regard to the educational work to be done. Since religion is the center of life for many people in Tanzania, the Catholic Church is highly regarded and has an impact on the acceptance and integration of people with disabilities. The bishop does great educational work and regularly informs the population about the educational and meeting place that is currently being built in Chabalisa.